Dealing with customers is not easy - each one brings to the transaction their own history, experiences and current state of mind. Some may, consciously or not, be seeking to let off steam, and you may be a convenient outlet!
Having acknowledged that customer service is a tough job to do well, it is hardly surprising that those in the front line sometimes assume indifference and act as though they don't care. We have all come across the 'jobsworth' who explains away poor customer service by blaming company policy or another department. Indifference can be a protection against what sometimes feels like a very personal attack.
Without the protection of indifference, we run the risk of customers upsetting us either by hurting our feelings or by being drawn into an angry confrontation. Or we may keep our cool while speaking to the customer, but once they are out of the door or have put the phone down, we let loose with a torrent of abuse! Maybe we feel we can handle all the stress of our day, only to drive like a maniac on the way home or arrive in a foul mood.
Ideally, the best possible way we can approach customer service is to use each and every encounter with a customer to enhance our company's reputation. We live in an imperfect world where we all make mistakes and inevitably sometimes things go wrong. In my experience, when something has gone wrong and the customer complains, you have a wonderful opportunity to create a much stronger loyalty to your company than if everything always goes right!